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When I started seeing Valerie 5 months ago, I was at the start of my second IVF cycle and felt out of options. I felt unsure of my next steps and how to navigate the fertility process. We spent 3 months preparing for pregnancy and I am now 3 months pregnant and feel positive about the next few months. I now realise the importance of putting me first and making time for me. I have found that having regular acupuncture forces me to stop and gives me time to focus on what is most important.

Kiana, Bristol

“I first went to Valerie after my frozen embryo transfer was cancelled due to my uterine lining not being thick enough. The fertility clinic didn’t give any further advice on how to improve the situation for the next cycle, so I was looking for some outside help.

Valerie was really helpful and asked a lot of questions at our first appointment to really understand my situation and general health. She recommended a couple of supplements and gave some advice about diet as well as the weekly acupuncture. The acupuncture helped me to relax. Especially with a new job which was stressful, it was important to take some time out.



Alison W, South Glos

“I came to Valerie for help with heavy and painful periods. I found the initial consultation really helpful, with lots of advice sent to me in a report that I could look back over to remember what I needed to do. After just a few sessions, my next period was noticeably lighter, and I needed fewer painkillers. My next period was again much easier to manage with just a couple of paracetamols needed for mild pain. Everything seems to be going in the right direction, so I would definitely recommend Valerie if you needed help with your periods.”

Jo, Bristol

​”Thank you so much for my treatment and for squeezing me in today!

I feel a lot more relaxed, and my nose isn’t as runny, which is great!”

G.M. Bristol

“I have really enjoyed first session and was very impressed.

Even just talking to you made me very comfortable and I look forward to another session.”

A.P. Bristol

“I have been very happy with the treatment you provide, and you have a calm and relaxing way. I really appreciated your advice about the supplements to take, and I feel the acupuncture sessions helped me feel prepared for the embryo transfer. It was so helpful on the day of the transfer to have the sessions before and after, especially after the stressful time at the clinic, it helped so much to come back and have an hour to get totally relaxed again.”

A.W. Bristol

“You’ve been great and have helped me loads.

Will be recommending you to my friends. Thank you again.”

M.W. Bristol

I’d had several failed rounds of fertility treatment and several pregnancy losses. I felt deflated, frustrated, confused and very unsure about where to turn. After a really successful round of IVF in April 2023 having started acupuncture with Valerie in August 2022, obtaining four top quality embryos. The third embryo transfer worked and I am now 17 weeks pregnant.

I genuinely believe I would not have made it here without Valerie’s expert support and advice. The fertility journey was long and very hard, but I feel positive about it, as it led me to my rainbow baby.

Just a huge thank you!

Lucy, Wales

“Highly recommend Valerie, currently having acupuncture with her for hormone imbalance and already – within a short space of time – am seeing a big shift in my health.

My only wish is that I had done this sooner and not suffered so long.

Thanks, Valerie; see you next week!”

M.S. Bristol

“After several years of worsening menstrual migraines, I came to Valerie to try to find an alternative to my migraine medication which often made me drowsy and lethargic and was ineffective if I left it too late. I was starting to miss days of work every month and my migraine attacks were increasingly severe. After several weeks of acupuncture treatment, I have experienced my first migraine-free months in years without the need for medication. This has been transformational for me and my quality of life.


K.B. Bristol

“I feel good, thanks. I’ve slept a lot since – I was awake in the night but not for long and slept in quite late today.

I feel refreshed, and my head feels clearer than it has for a few weeks.”

D.G. Bristol

“I contacted Valerie when I was a few months into my journey to conceiving, having had a miscarriage six months previously. I really appreciate the thorough consultation Valerie did with me and my partner and her friendly, practical/ realistic and non-judgemental approach. I then started having weekly acupuncture sessions with Valerie and found out I was pregnant within the first month of these sessions. It was incredibly reassuring having Valerie as support through this time. From the simple aspect of having someone to check in with each week in relation to what I was feeling and experiencing and to give advice on diet and symptoms such as nausea; to the more therapeutic aspect of receiving acupuncture treatment helping to maintain/balance my energy, alleviate fatigue/ nausea and general aches and pains. During this time, I also had Covid and a cold and felt immediate improvements to reduced breath capacity/ blocked sinuses after acupuncture treatment with Valerie.”

Helen, Bristol

I first approached Valerie after becoming concerned about my short cycle lengths and how it could be impacting our attempts to conceive.

Following an in-depth consultation, Valerie provided insightful advice on my diet, supplements, lifestyle plus some handy tips and tricks. No question was too silly.

After working hard to make some big changes alongside weekly acupuncture sessions, my cycles adjusted and I’m pleased so say I’m now 16 weeks pregnant. Like many women, getting to this point has not been straight forward for me and the amount of information out there is overwhelming.

I decided to build a team of support and I have found working with experts like Valerie to be invaluable. I’m very grateful to her and would recommend her services to anyone who needs help navigating their way through the fog.

Freya, Bristol

We knew we wanted to start trying to get pregnant in the next few months, but after being told I had low AMH and would likely go into menopause early, I was completely stressed about our chances of falling pregnant and felt the pressure of time being against us.

We got in contact with you because we wanted to make sure we were in the best possible health to fall pregnant as quickly as possible once we had started trying. (continued->)

Anon, Bristol

“I suffered from morning sickness. None of the usual stuff worked, but it was definitely better after my sessions”

J.P. Bristol

“I’m now 21 weeks pregnant and so happy to get success with our first embryo transfer, as it had already been a long journey to get to that point. I would recommend acupuncture with Valerie to anyone going through fertility struggles to get the mind and body as ready as you can whether trying naturally or with fertility treatments.

After a couple of months, I was ready for the transfer, and the nurse said my uterine lining looked top quality. Valerie went out of her way to provide acupuncture before and after the transfer, which was midday on a Sunday. It gave me a lot of reassurance and was really helpful to help me relax after the stress of the transfer, as well as having someone knowledgeable to talk to.”

Alison W, South Glos

I came to see Valerie in November 2020 after years of infertility and baby loss.
After a few sessions in 2020 and following nutrition and lifestyle advice, I got pregnant with my daughter who is now 20 months old! I continued to have acupuncture during my pregnancy and to help induce labour at 40 weeks. In late 2022 I was told by my fertility consultant that my AMH levels had reduced even more than before. So I booked an appointment with Valerie to discuss trying for another baby. After two sessions, I got pregnant again and currently 16 weeks pregnant. I’m still having monthly appointments to help with pregnancy symptoms and general well-being.
Valerie is so calm and empathetic, so easy to talk to and has such a wealth of knowledge. She’s helped us grow our family and I’m beyond grateful for all her support.
I just want to say a massive thank you! I’m so grateful for all your support and help getting me pregnant, twice! I cannot recommend Valerie and Fertility acupuncture enough if you’re trying to get pregnant.

Sam, Bristol

Back in December, before working with Valerie I was feeling a bit lost and quite low in energy. I definitely recognized that I didn’t physically feel in a great place.  Now, I feel more confident and could not be happier with the outcome we have had post treatment. Acupuncture has really been a game changer for us as we have achieved a pregnancy and are now in our second trimester.  The most helpful part has been knowing that we are working with an expert in the world of fertility which can be a bit of a rabbit hole. It has been really helpful to have a plan and be guided through the process.  We cannot thank you enough for getting us to this stage and we are so grateful for all your help.

Adam, Bristol

“My husband and I first started seeing Valerie in November 2020. We had been trying to conceive through IVF (ICSI) since 2016 and had suffered four miscarriages, as well as two unsuccessful embryo transfers. By October 2020, we had no more frozen embryos and no explanations of the causes of the miscarriages, so we decided to do some research ourselves and contacted Valerie. As well as the acupuncture, Valerie gave us a wealth of other information and advice. After our first appointment, she gave us a comprehensive report with all the tests she recommended we have and where and how to do them, specific dietary and supplement suggestions and other lifestyle changes to make. She referred us to a fertility nutritionist who was also incredibly helpful, and she gave us a huge amount of emotional support in addition.


Amy, Bristol

You made me feel so much calmer and reassured us that I likely had more time than I was originally told. I started to feel in control of the whole process, whereas I was previously feeling a bit helpless.

You go through so many different aspects of health and lifestyle that I wouldn’t even think could affect fertility, and help to fix small problems that together make a big difference. You were also there to listen at times when I felt overwhelmed and upset and so I didn’t feel stupid for bursting into tears every now and then! If i had any questions or worries I knew that I had my session with you coming up and would get answers and hopefully reassurance which was really comforting. (continued ->)

Anon, Bristol

We started trying for a baby in 2020 and couldn’t believe that I got pregnant straight away, however, I sadly miscarried a few weeks later. Following that, we’d been trying for around 8 months before I came to see Valerie. I was feeling quite obsessive and lonely with the whole process.

It’s been a long journey since then but I’m now 17 weeks pregnant following our second IVF transfer and we are so excited. I feel relieved, thankful and am enjoying each milestone of pregnancy.

Valerie has supported us with advice and regular acupuncture sessions. These sessions quite quickly lengthened my luteal phase and I found them very relaxing. I also noticed improvements in my energy. I think the most valuable thing over the past 2+ years has been having an ally to navigate the fertility system with, which can feel so overwhelming.

She has advised us on what to push for or do ourselves, from tests with our GP, referrals for additional tests that are not covered by the NHS, IVF and supporting my husband with his varicocele removal. Our funds are limited, and she really helped us to prioritise and persevere through the NHS system.

She’s helped me to feel in control and like we were doing all we can at each stage, despite it being a long process.

Thank you Valerie!

Jess, Bristol