Fertility Boost - Online Coaching

Most of my online fertility patients have been on their fertility journey for at least a year. They may have experienced one or more miscarriages or failed rounds of IVF, IUI or ICSI, or they may be wanting to get the best results out of their NHS round of IVF.

Some have PCOS, a thyroid condition, or diagnosed or suspected endometriosis. Others have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility, male factor infertility or secondary infertility.

My patients find my knowledge of the wide range of options available together with dietary and lifestyle advice beneficial to their journey.  They usually come from England or Wales so they are able to access the tests I recommend.

sperm swimming towards and egg - fertility acupuncture support

Coaching for Fertility

I work with patients who are waiting for NHS fertility treatment. Some want to try a natural approach while they wait. Others are keen to have all recommended tests and investigations before their free round begins.

Some of my patients have irregular cycles. Others have been trying to conceive for less than a year.

Whatever the reasons that have led to you finding me, you’ll be in safe hands as we continue your fertility journey together.

I will:

  • Review your blood tests, scan results and semen analysis to get to the root cause of the problem
  • Where necessary, recommend additional blood tests, scans, sperm testing and microbiome testing to optimise your health
  • Provide you with a plan to help optimise your health. This may include dietary, lifestyle and/or supplement advice
  • Support you emotionally
  • Speak to you on a weekly basis to check in, and support you with making the changes suggested and adjust the plan if necessary
  • If necessary, refer you to other professionals such as an Acupuncturist local to you, Chinese Medicine Herbalist, Gynaecologist, Urologist or Endocrinologist

I often see clients who are living with the following:

  • Unexplained infertility
  • PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome)
  • Premature ovarian failure (POF)
  • High FSH
  • Irregular cycles
  • Short or long cycles
  • Autoimmunity
  • Luteal phase defect
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  • High NK Cells
  • Reproductive Immunology
  • Painful periods
  • Absence of menstrual cycles
  • Endometriosis
  • PMS
  • Fibroids
  • Thyroid imbalance
  • Hashimoto’s disease
  • Recurrent miscarriage
  • IVF/IUI support
  • Low levels of normal forms/morphology
  • High sperm antibodies
  • Low sperm count
  • Low levels of motile sperm
  • Low testosterone
  • Pain in their scrotum
  • Varicocele
  • Urinary tracy infections (UTIs)
  • Prostate infection

Of course, I can’t promise a natural pregnancy or a pregnancy using fertility treatment. However, following my advice, you will feel infinitely healthier and you will have a sense that you have not left any stone unturned.

Here's how the Online Fertility Boost works

valerie Salt Acupuncturist in Bristol

Initial 15-minute consultation – free of charge

If you would like to find out more about working with me, please read to the end of this page and then book a 15-minute consultation by phone. In this appointment, we will briefly discuss how I can help you, and you’ll be able to ask questions about me, my process and the benefits of working with me.

To get the most out of this consultation, you should email me with any test results and scan reports that you have so far, as this will help me to recommend the best package for you.

Most people attending this 15-minute consultation go on to work with me. In this case, the next stage is to sign up for your Online Fertility Boost which will give you access to my "Preparing for your Fertility Boost" information.

Four Month "Online Fertility Boost" Package

Once you have decided that you are ready to commit to working on your fertility with me and have signed up for your Fertility Boost package, you will receive my "Preparing for your Fertility Boost" information sheet.  This is the first essential step so we can do brilliant work together!  It contains information about things you can be doing and what test results to collate, and ensures that while you are waiting for your first appointment, you are making the best use of this time so we can hit the ground running.

The four month "Online Fertility Boost" package starts with a Zoom meeting which takes around 90 minutes. During the appointment, we’ll cover your medical history, your fertility journey so far, and other areas of your health, so I can build a complete picture of your health (and your partner’s health, if applicable).

I will discuss the changes I recommend making to improve your health and will discuss any testing that I think would be useful. Hopefully, you will have provided your blood tests, semen analysis and any scan reports to me in advance of this first meeting, so we can also review any areas where your results are sub-optimal.

After your appointment, I will send you a report including the dietary, lifestyle advice and any tests and referrals I recommend.

Valerie Salt acupuncturist in Bristol working on computer
Patient having acupuncture treatment with Valerie Salt

Your treatment begins – Fertility Coaching appointments for women and couples

After your first in-person or zoom meeting, your coaching sessions begin, together with guidance to make positive changes to your health and support with the testing that you need.

Eggs and sperm both take around three months to mature, so the next stage of your coaching will be a 30 minute (approximately) weekly appointment over zoom for the remainder of the four months.  During the weekly appointments, there is time to talk about any changes to your health, new test results and updates on your fertility journey.  These calls can be accessed by both partners.

Four Month "Online Fertility Boost" Package

Investment : £550 per calendar month (over 4 months) or £2,000 payment in full.

Further investigations and treatment

Depending on your situation, you may need blood tests, scans and further investigations from medical professionals. I may also recommend supplements. I will discuss the benefits of these and relevant costs with you before booking anything or referring you anywhere.

Payment information

I ask all clients to pay online in advance of appointments. Please let me know if you would like to discuss payment by instalment. Options are available to pay weekly, monthly or in full up front, just let me know what works for you.

Cancellation Policy

I ask for a week’s notice to cancel booked session. If you cancel a session with less than a week’s notice and we can’t find another mutually convenient alternative time that week, you will be required to pay for the missed session.

4 month plan:

The 4 month plan includes 14 appointments, to allow for both you and I to take holiday. If we are not able to fit in 14 appointments, I will offer you an extra appointment in one of the weeks to maintain the treatment regularity. Sometimes I arrange cover with another acupuncturist if I am away and unable to fit all of your appointments into the 4 months but we can discuss that if it comes up during your package. If you need more than 14 appointments, we can discuss that, there is no additional charge.

If you need to rearrange your appointment, I need 7 days notice and I will try to find a mutually convenient alternative.