Acupuncture During Pregnancy

Though my clients are always overjoyed to be pregnant, pregnancy can come with anxiety, uncomfortable or undesirable symptoms. In many cases, acupuncture and my naturopathic support can ease these symptoms so you can feel rested and calm again.

pregnant women holding hands in heart shape over - pregnancy acupuncture

Here's how I can help you:

valerie Salt Acupuncturist in Bristol

Initial 15-minute consultation – free of charge

If you would like to find out more about acupuncture or working with me, please book a 15-minute consultation by phone, Zoom or in the clinic. In this appointment, we will briefly discuss how I can help you, and you’ll be able to ask questions about me, my process and the benefits of working with me.

Most people attending this 15-minute consultation go on to work with me. In this case, the next stage is an in-person meeting or Zoom call.

In-Depth Consultation

We start with an In-Depth 90-minute consultation which includes acupuncture. We go through your history and health during your pregnancy so far as well as any previous pregnancies.  This appoitnment includes an acupuncture treatment.

Valerie Salt acupuncturist in Bristol working on computer
Valerie Salt, acupuncture treatment in Bristol

Acupuncture treatment continues – Acupuncture appointments last up to 50 minutes

Acupuncture treatments build upon each other, so your treatment continues with weekly acupuncture for the next four weeks.

Acupuncture during the first trimester: I recommend weekly acupuncture until you are 13 weeks to support your body with maintaining pregnancy, help alleviate uncomfortable early pregnancy symptoms such as nausea and fatigue, and support your mental well-being.

Acupuncture during the second trimester: – If you are feeling well, I recommend a monthly maintenance treatment.

Acupuncture during the third trimester: You can continue with monthly maintenance treatments if you are feeling well. If you are experiencing pain, your baby is not in an optimal position, or if you have other symptoms, we will discuss the therapy which will be best for you.

Pre-birth acupuncture: I offer a course of three pre-birth acupuncture treatments at 37, 38, and 39 weeks to help prepare your body and your baby for birth.

Acupuncture induction: If you do not go into labour spontaneously, I offer an acupuncture induction from 40 weeks.

Postnatal acupuncture: I recommend a monthly treatment during your first year after childbirth to help you to recover and thrive.

Investment: Pricing is £550pcm but the treatment plan/length will vary. Please contact me for your personalised plan.

Further investigations and treatment

Depending on your situation, you may need blood tests, scans and further investigations from medical professionals. I may also recommend supplements. I will discuss the benefits of these and relevant costs with you before booking anything or referring you anywhere.

Payment information

I ask all clients to pay online in advance of appointments. Please let me know if you would like to discuss payment by instalment. Options are available to pay weekly, monthly or in full up front, just let me know what works for you.

Cancellation Policy

I ask for a week’s notice to cancel booked session. If you cancel a session with less than a week’s notice and we can’t find another mutually convenient alternative time that week, you will be required to pay for the missed session.

4-week plan:

If you have a pre-booked holiday during your 4-week plan, you can defer up to one weeks’ worth of appointments to the end of your plan.   You will not receive any refunds for rearrangements made less than 7 days away from the date of your initial appointment(s).

If I have a pre-booked holiday, I will let you know when you book.  If this isn’t possible, and I take a holiday during your 4-week plan, I will add missed appointments to the end of your plan.