Acupuncture for Problem Periods

Problem periods can impact your life, work, and the amount you enjoy yourself daily. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Using acupuncture, I can help you with:

• Irregular menstrual cycles
• Absence of menstrual cycles
• Endometriosis
• Heavy periods
• Painful periods
• Nausea and vomiting during your menstrual cycle
• Painful breasts
• Hormonal migraines
• Thyroid conditions
• Fibroids

women sitting hunched over on red background - indicated for period problems

Here's how it works

valerie Salt Acupuncturist in Bristol

Initial 15-minute consultation – free of charge

If you would like to find out more about acupuncture or working with me, please book a 15-minute consultation by phone. In this appointment, we will briefly discuss how I can help you, and you’ll be able to ask questions about me, my process and the benefits of working with me.

Most people attending this 15-minute consultation go on to work with me. In this case, the next stage is an in-person meeting or Zoom call.

In-depth consultation

During this 90 minute appointment, we’ll cover your medical history, your menstrual cycle (current and/or past) and other areas of your health, so I can build a complete picture of your health.

I will discuss the changes I recommend making to improve your health and will go through any testing that I think would be useful. If you have sent any relevant blood tests or scan reports in advance of this first meeting, we can also go through any areas where your results are sub-optimal.

If you would like to receive an acupuncture treatment during this session – or you know you have a significant amount of history to discuss - please let me know beforehand so we can make sure we book a 2-hour session and you have time for an acupuncture treatment.

Valerie Salt acupuncturist in Bristol working on computer
Valerie Salt, acupuncture treatment in Bristol

Your treatment begins – Acupuncture appointments last up to 50 minutes

Problem periods:  Acupuncture encourages hormone balance, which is often linked to period problems. It usually takes three months to make an impact, although you may see improvements quicker, so for the first stage of your treatment, I recommend a weekly appointment with acupuncture for 3 months.

Investment for In-Depth Consultation and approximately weekly acupuncture appointments delivered over 3 months: £550 per calendar month for 3 months or £1,500 payment in full.

Further investigations and treatment

Depending on your situation, you may need blood tests, scans and further investigations from medical professionals. I may also recommend supplements. I will discuss the benefits of these and relevant costs with you before booking anything or referring you anywhere.

Payment information

I ask all clients to pay online in advance of appointments. Please let me know if you would like to discuss payment by instalment. Options are available to pay weekly, monthly or in full up front, just let me know what works for you.

Cancellation Policy

I ask for a week’s notice to cancel booked session. If you cancel a session with less than a week’s notice and we can’t find another mutually convenient alternative time that week, you will be required to pay for the missed session.

4 month plan:

The 4 month plan includes 14 appointments, to allow for both you and I to take holiday. If we are not able to fit in 14 appointments, I will offer you an extra appointment in one of the weeks to maintain the treatment regularity. Sometimes I arrange cover with another acupuncturist if I am away and unable to fit all of your appointments into the 4 months but we can discuss that if it comes up during your package. If you need more than 14 appointments, we can discuss that, there is no additional charge.

If you need to rearrange your appointment, I need 7 days notice and I will try to find a mutually convenient alternative.